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For adolescent men who have sex with men participating in a 48-week HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis intervention

PrEP Adherence Decreases Over Time in Adolescent MSM

Findings in diverse sample of adolescent men who have sex with men who are at risk for HIV
Re-analysis of evidence suggests that screening does reduce prostate cancer mortality

Re-Analysis Shows Screening Reduces Prostate CA Mortality

In re-analysis, screening conferred 7 to 9 percent reduction in risk in ERSPC and PLCO trials
Appropriate use criteria have been developed for valvular heart disease imaging tests

New Appropriate Use Criteria Issued for Valvular Heart Disease

Report gives rating of multiple imaging modalities in real-world clinical scenarios to guide physicians
The U.S. Preventive Services Task Force recommends screening 3- to 5-year-old children for amblyopia

USPSTF Recommends Amblyopia Screening for 3- to 5-Year-Olds

Inadequate evidence is available to assess benefits and harms of screening in those younger than 3
Non-Hispanic black and Hispanic children are less likely than non-Hispanic white children to receive antibiotics for viral acute respiratory tract infection in the pediatric emergency department

Racial Variation in Antibiotic Prescribing for Viral ARTI

Non-Hispanic black, Hispanic children less likely than non-Hispanic white children to receive antibiotics
Infants who receive general anesthesia for surgery before they're 1 year old may have less white matter in their brains

General Anesthesia in Infants May Affect White Matter Volume

Small study finds reduction in white matter among children operated on as infants
Stress is associated with impaired sleep and increased emotional rewarding of palatable foods

Role of Stress, Sleep Highlighted in Study of Obesity

Stress linked to impaired sleep, increased emotional rewarding of palatable foods, leading to obesity
Cognitive behavioral therapy and selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors are effective for reducing symptoms of anxiety in childhood

CBT, SSRIs Effectively Cut Anxiety Symptoms in Childhood

CBT significantly improves primary anxiety symptoms compared with wait-listing/no treatment
A cognitive test involving animal name recall can predict which elderly patients succeed in mastering an insulin self-injection technique within one week

Cognitive Test Predicts Elderly Insulin Injection Success

Number of animal names recalled in one minute was the most useful indicator
Perceptions of safety culture vary widely among nursing home staff members

Perception of Nursing Home Safety Varies by Employee Type

Administrators consistently perceive better safety culture than clinical staff