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The U.S Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) recommends that clinicians provide adults with a body mass index of 30 kg/m² or higher to intensive

USPSTF Urges Multicomponent Behavioral Interventions for Obesity

Draft recommendation statement concludes that doctors should provide, refer adults to interventions
Maternal receipt of influenza and tetanus toxoid

Maternal Vaccination Not Tied to Infant Hospitalization, Death

Vaccination with influenza and Tdap not linked to risk of infant hospitalization, death in first six months
Lumbopelvic pain is common in well-functioning older adults

Lumbopelvic Pain Negatively Affects Walking in Elderly

LPP specifically tied to greater energetic cost of walking, poorer walking endurance
Exclusive current cigarette and cigar use is associated with increased risk of all-cause mortality

Mortality Risks of Exclusive Cigar, Cigarette, Pipe Use ID’d

Higher risk of tobacco-related cancer death for current/former cigarette, current cigar, pipe smoking
Burnout is prevalent among physicians

Burnout Found Prevalent Among Doctors in Single Health System

Link between patient satisfaction and emotional exhaustion; also tied to odds of leaving organization
For women with symptomatic uterine leiomyomas

Ulipristal Achieves Amenorrhea for Symptomatic Leiomyomas

Ulipristal superior to placebo to achieve amenorrhea for bleeding due to symptomatic uterine leiomyomas
Ustekinumab improves psoriasis and reduces vascular inflammation among patients with moderate-to-severe psoriasis

AAD: Ustekinumab Cuts Vascular Inflammation in Psoriasis

Reduction in total aortic vascular inflammation with ustekinumab versus increase with placebo
For older patients with concomitant chronic kidney disease and a new diagnosis of atrial fibrillation

Anticoagulants in Seniors With A-Fib, CKD Ups Stroke, ICH Risk

Anticoagulants linked to increased risk of ischemic stroke and hemorrhage, but lower all-cause mortality
For patients with moderate-to-severe hand pain and radiographic osteoarthritis

Hydroxychloroquine No Better Than Placebo for Hand OA

No more effective than placebo for moderate-to-severe hand pain and radiographic osteoarthritis
Specific populations

AAD: Fathers May Not Perceive Harms of Teen Indoor Tanning

Low harms more often perceived by parents of male teens, those age ≥16, with less sun-reactive skin