Home Diabetes and Endocrinology Abridged Standards of Care for Diabetes Developed for PCPs

Abridged Standards of Care for Diabetes Developed for PCPs

Abridged version specifically focuses on evidence-based recommendations for primary care

THURSDAY, April 23, 2015 (HealthDay News) — An abridged version of the 2015 Standards of Medical Care in Diabetes has been produced for primary care physicians. The condensed guidelines were published in the April issue of Clinical Diabetes.

Researchers from the American Diabetes Association (ADA), together with the ADA Primary Care Advisory Group (PCAG), produced an abridged version of the 2015 Standards of Medical Care in Diabetes, specifically focusing on evidence-based recommendations for primary care.

The authors emphasize strategies for improving care, which include patient-centered communication incorporating patient preferences, and address cultural barriers to care. In addition, care should be aligned with components of the Chronic Care Model to facilitate productive interactions between a prepared proactive practice team and informed, activated patients. The report focuses on diabetes care concepts, which include patient centeredness, diabetes across the life span, and advocacy for patients with diabetes. Particular attention is devoted to the foundations of diabetes care, including lifestyle management; glycemic treatment and therapeutic targets; prediabetes; the diagnosis and treatment of micro- and macrovascular complications; and use of insulin therapy in type 2 diabetes.

“Keeping up with the ever-changing guidelines can be very hard for busy primary care providers, who are not merely treating one condition, but rather many conditions every single day,” PCAG Chair Jay Shubrook, D.O., said in a statement. “The abridged Standards are a second-level synthesis of the most important diabetes recommendations.”

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