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Severe dry eye symptoms and ocular pain at baseline are associated with persistent severe dry eye symptoms one year later

Severe Symptoms, Ocular Pain Linked to Dry Eye Persistence

Non-ocular factors such as sleep disturbance, metal health status also linked to symptoms at one year
Bell's palsy is the only prespecified adverse event associated with the MenACWY-CRM quadrivalent meningococcal conjugate vaccine

Bell’s Palsy Tied to Quadrivalent Meningococcal Vaccine

Increased risk for Bell's palsy in those with concomitant administration of other vaccines
A 755-nm diode laser efficiently and safely removes hair

755-nm Diode Laser Safe, Effective for Hair Removal

Authors say three methods using the 755-nm diode laser offer promising results
For intra-articular injection autologous platelet-rich plasma and local anesthetic/corticosteroid are effective

Platelet-Rich Plasma Superior for Lumbar Facet Joint Syndrome

Autologous platelet-rich plasma efficacious for a longer duration than LA/corticosteroid
For patients with type 2 diabetes

Postprandial Hyperglycemia Linked to CVD Incidence in T2DM

Association with cardiovascular disease and mortality is independent of mean HbA1c level
From 1996 to 2013 there were considerable increases in personal health care spending in the United States

Personal Health Care Spending Continues to Soar in the U.S.

Highest spending on diabetes, ischemic heart disease, and low back and neck pain in 2013
For patients with Parkinson's disease receiving levodopa therapy and experiencing end-of-dose motor fluctuations

Opicapone As Levodopa Adjunct Cuts Motor Fluctuations in PD

In Parkinson's disease, 50-mg/day opicapone linked to significant reduction in mean daily off-time
Health care spending on children increased from 1996 to 2013 in the United States

1996-2013 Saw Increase in U.S. Health Care Spending on Children

Greatest areas of growth in absolute terms were inpatient well-newborn care, ADHD, and asthma
Following legalization of marijuana use

Legalization of Marijuana May Impact Teen Perception, Use

Decreased perception of harm, increased use among eighth, 10th graders in Washington, but not Colorado
Children with special health care needs receive 1.5 billion hours of health care at home from family members

Families Provide 1.5B Hours of Care to Special Needs Children

Family care most likely in children who are young, poor, and with severe conditions