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Monthly Archives: October 2016

Mohs micrographic surgery is efficacious for melanoma in situ (MIS) on the trunk and proximal extremities

Mohs Effective for Melanoma in Situ of Trunk, Extremities

Surgical margin of 9 mm needed to excise 97 percent of melanoma in situ
Implementation of quality improvement methods can improve timely administration of short-acting β-agonists for acute asthma in a pediatric emergency department

Quality Improvement Methods Improve Asthma Care

Improved timely administration of short-acting β-agonist with use of standardized asthma score
Subconjunctival gentamicin can cause macular necrosis in the eye

Subconjunctival Gentamicin Can Cause Macular Necrosis

Subconjunctival gentamicin toxicity most likely mechanism for macular necrosis in 65-year-old
For patients with peripheral neuropathic pain

Lower Costs for Pregabalin in Peripheral Neuropathic Pain

Even after loss of exclusivity, pregabalin has lower health care costs than gabapentin
Screening for hypercholesterolemia is feasible at routine child immunization visits in primary care practices

Child-Parent Screening for Hypercholesterolemia Feasible

Screening feasible in primary care at routine child immunization visits for children aged 1 to 2 years
Computed tomography imaging of the chest on the same day as a scheduled bronchoscopic procedure can identify partial or total resolution of some lung nodules and reduce unnecessary procedures

Same-Day CT Imaging Cuts Unnecessary Bronchoscopy

Findings in patients undergoing navigational bronchoscopy requiring same-day pre-procedural CT
For patients after acute myocardial infarction

Rehospitalization After AMI Linked to Worse Health Status

Worse status for rehospitalizations for unstable angina, unplanned revascularization within first year
Family socioeconomic status in childhood is associated with the risk for metabolic syndrome and glucose abnormalities in adulthood

Socioeconomic Status in Children Tied to MetS in Adulthood

Each unit increase in family SES in childhood linked to decrease in risk for adult metabolic syndrome
Young men with a resting heart rate and blood pressure that are elevated -- but still within normal range -- appear more likely to develop a wide range of mental illnesses later in their lives

Heart Rate, BP in Male Teens Tied to Later Risk for Psych Disorders

Indicators of schizophrenia, obsessive-compulsive disorder, anxiety might be spotted in physical at 18
Using genetic analyses of 40-year-old blood samples

New Research Maps Origins of HIV/AIDS in North America

Genetic analysis of 40-year-old blood samples shows many North Americans already infected by late 1970s