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Monthly Archives: July 2016

The average delay to diagnosis of bipolar disorder is six years

Six Years Average Time Between Onset and Diagnosis of Bipolar

Many patients have disruptive symptoms for many years before they receive proper treatment
For pediatric patients with migraine

Review: Biofeedback Seems Effective for Pediatric Migraine

Data from five studies show significant reductions in frequency of migraine, duration of attack

Perceived Stigmatization Common for Patients With Psoriasis

Lower education, higher disease visibility, severity, duration, Type D personality tied to stigmatization
Adults and adolescents with binge-eating disorder may have increased risk of suicidality

Binge-Eating Disorders May Be Linked to Suicidality

Patients with BED and comorbid disorders may be at particularly high risk for suicidal outcomes
The magnitude of the risk of adverse outcomes associated with metamizole use varies in different studies

Variation in Risk of Adverse Outcomes With Metamizole

Relative risk estimates vary from 1.5 to 40.2 for agranulocytosis, from 1.5 to 2.7 for upper GI bleed
Insulin lispro injection into lipohypertrophic tissue results in considerable impairment and increased variability in insulin absorption and action

Blunted, More Variable Insulin Action in Lipohypertrophy

Insulin lispro injection into LHT results in reduced insulin absorption and effect
The American Red Cross says it has an urgent need for blood donations

American Red Cross Says Blood Donations Needed Urgently

There's currently less than a five-day supply, group says
There is insufficient evidence to recommend regular full-body exams for skin cancer as a means of preventing deaths from these cancers

USPSTF: Evidence Lacking to Recommend Skin Cancer Screens

New report doesn't change Task Force's prior statement on skin cancer screening issued in 2009
Obstetrician-gynecologists should counsel pregnant women about use of long-acting reversible contraception

Ob-Gyns Should Counsel Patients on Immediate Postpartum LARC

Contraceptive implants and IUDs are safe, effective birth control options for most females
The odds of surviving a stroke are slightly better for patients treated at hospitals with primary stroke centers

Primary Stroke Centers Have Slight Survival Edge

Study finds small advantage, but only if patient gets there within 90 minutes