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Monthly Archives: September 2015

Almost half of pulmonologists have a propensity for over- or under-use of low-dose computed tomography screening for lung cancer

Many Pulmonologists Under-, Over-Screen With LDCT

Under-screeners more likely to cite potential harms as influential factors, less influenced by evidence
From 1996 to 2010 there was a significant increase in intermediate care billing

Intermediate Care Billing Rose From 1996 to 2010

Fewer organ failures, less mechanical ventilation, lower 30-day death for intermediate vs ICU billing
Selective removal of circulating soluble Fms-like tyrosine kinase-1 with an extracorporeal device seems to be safe and effective for treating women with very preterm preeclampsia

Removal of sFlt-1 From Blood Aids Preeclampsia

Reduces sFLT-1 levels, protein/creatinine ratios, while prolonging pregnancy
Weighted retinal ganglion cell count has higher potential than other parameters for differentiating normal eyes from those with glaucoma

Retinal Ganglion Cell Count IDs Normal-Tension Glaucoma

Weighted RGC can assess normal-tension glaucoma damage and may be an index of progression
The correlation between physical activity and atopic dermatitis is unclear

Review: Link for Physical Activity, Atopic Dermatitis Unclear

Three studies identify positive association; three identify inverse association for exercise, AD
Spironolactone may be an effective treatment for female pattern hair loss

Spironolactone Seems Effective for Female Pattern Hair Loss

Patients with acne or hirsutism show significantly better response to spironolactone
Half of patients with recurrent urinary tract infections and asymptomatic renal calculi can be rendered infection-free with stone extraction

Stone Removal Helps Half of Patients With Recurrent UTI

Patients in study had nonobstructive renal stones; black race, HTN tied to higher recurrence risk
Spiritual care could be conducive to active coping

Spirituality Can Aid Active Coping in Inter-Disciplinary Pain Rehab

Spiritual care may be conducive to multidimensional care pathways
Although drinking alcohol during pregnancy poses a risk to the unborn child

CDC: 10 Percent of U.S. Women Consume Alcohol While Pregnant

And 3 percent binge drink while expecting
Women who sit for long periods of time but are either moderately or very fidgety have a mortality risk similar to that seen in more active women

Fidgeting Offers Health Benefits to Sedentary Women

Fidgeting may mediate some of the negative effects of prolonged sitting, British study contends