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Monthly Archives: March 2015

Nocturnal gastroesophageal reflux disease appears to be a risk factor for non-infectious rhinitis

Nocturnal GERD Tied to Non-Infectious Rhinitis

Greater number of reflux episodes reported tied to higher risk of non-infectious rhinitis
Early initiation of palliative care interventions improves survival and caregiver burden in advanced cancer

Early Palliative Care Improves Survival in Advanced Cancer

Second study shows benefits for caregivers with early palliative care intervention
A physician/pharmacist collaborative model can improve mean blood pressure

Physician/Pharmacist Model Can Improve Mean BP

BP control no better in overall cohort, but improved for participants from racial minority groups
Patients who choose at-home physical therapy instead of in-patient rehabilitation after knee replacement surgery do just as well when it comes to complications

AAOS: Just Home Rehab May Be Enough Post Knee Surgery

People do just as well with in-home physical therapy, researchers find
Fit middle-aged men appear less likely to develop lung and colorectal cancer in later life than their out-of-shape peers. And if they do develop cancer

Cancer Risk Down for Men With High Midlife Fitness

Study shows lower risk of lung, colon tumors at 65 and older
People who have three or more alcoholic drinks per day could be raising their odds for liver cancer

Three Alcoholic Drinks Daily Can Up Risk of Liver Cancer

Expert panel looked at data on over eight million people to come up with risk factors for the disease
The overall death rate from hypertension in the United States has increased 23 percent since 2000

CDC: Hypertension-Related Deaths on the Rise in U.S.

Most marked increases seen in those aged 45 to 64 and those over 85
People with anorexia nervosa have an abnormal brain response to hunger signals

Hunger Signals Differ in Brains of Those With Anorexia

Researchers also find changes in areas that regulate self-control
A cardiovascular disease risk equation has been developed that can be recalibrated for application in different countries

Cardiovascular Disease Risk Equation Can Be Applied Globally

Risk equation can be recalibrated for application in different countries; good discrimination in validations
Exposure to common air pollutants before birth may make children more likely to have the symptoms of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder and other thinking and behavioral problems

Prenatal Exposure to Pollutants May Affect Fetal Brain

Small study found higher risk of ADHD symptoms, other thinking and behavioral problems